A Guide on How to Give a Positive Feedback
Managers use performance feedbacks for two things; one is to boost the positive attitude in the workplace, and second is to guide them from their mistakes. Although some seminars or training programs focus on how to take negative feedback, positive feedback is also important too. But not every manager knows how to give proper positive feedback, so we listed down a few simple tricks that can change how you can deliver them. Praising is not good enough Praising your employees is good but not good enough. Telling your employee a good job is not enough you need to be more detailed when giving feedback. As this can help them prepare in the future. For example, an employee of yours exceeded the quota of sales for your department, a simple “Good job” won’t do. You need to make sure that they know what they did well as this can help them know what they should maintain and/or improve. Providing feedback whether positive or negative, should be in detail as this can impact the receiver. Giving negative comments won’t help them at all as this tells nothing at all and may repeat their mistakes. Provide Details Using the example scenario above let’s try adding some details on the feedback: “Hey I’ve got your sales report for this week and exceeded at almost 50% Good job! Looks like those marketing skills are paying off.” In the first scenario, the employee wonders where did he/she do good or how can he/she do it again. Using the second scenario the employee is a bit better and because they can easily identify where he/she did well. After knowing the details the employee will now have an idea his/her strengths so that he/she can improve. Although it is okay for you to narrow it down when it comes to giving detailed feedback. Your employee will now be ready for future work and to be consistent especially the points where he did well. Maintain Positive Feedback Keeping things positive can be tricky since everyone has their perspective things. Here are the things that you should keep in mind: When providing feedback be sure to do it as soon as possible so that employee can reflect fresh events in his/her mind Assure that your comments are specific. The more specific you are the more the employee will understand and eventually carry them out in the future. Be sure that the comments are related to the business itself. Giving positive feedback to a single employee should be heard by others so that they can learn as well. One of the basic rules of giving feedback is that the positive should outweigh negative. Therefore, every negative comment should as well have at least three positive comments. Positive Feedback’s are Beneficial Giving feedback doesn’t just benefit only your employees, you will too… in the future of course. Feedbacks aren’t just for employees, it’s for everyone. Everyone wants to be appreciated once in a while, once it’s done they’ll feel that they are a part of a company and you will earn their trust. Once an employee receives detailed positive feedback they will know their strength and areas to improve. This knowledge can improve their performance at work and productivity. Stating your feedback to your employees can give clarity on how you want things to go. This can also provide satisfaction and improve your relationship with your employees in return they will provide great reviews to your company boosting your organization’s image. Mistakes to Avoid One of the most crucial mistakes you can do is to not give any positive feedback at all. If you’re not doing it then you need to start now. Here’s how: Start by slowly making your way up there try to notice improvements from your employees but not too frequently. Don’t force yourself or else your employees will find it weird. When giving out positive comments make sure that it isn’t trivial as this would lead to nowhere. Make sure to watch your tone when giving out comments as it may sound rude to others. Always be mindful of your audience. Try to give out positive feedbacks at the right time not just when on performance reviews. It is better if the employee can hear it as soon as possible so that it’ll stick to his/her mind. Conclusion Constructive feedbacks are mainly used to correct the mistakes or bring out the best of your employees. One word can change everything that is why giving out feedbacks are important and should be used correctly. If done correctly you could bring out the best of your employees.
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