
Time Management Techniques While Working From Home

Amidst the new coronavirus pandemic, many companies are taking advantage of technology to implement work-from-home policies. This may seem all of a sudden for all of us; the new set-up seems like a whole new world, that’s why you have to shift gears and still be as productive, if not more during your working hours.

Working remotely can be detrimental to your quality of work. Because there is no one watching over you, you may be tempted to slack off during working hours. It shouldn’t be the case; your work output should always be of good quality no matter where you work and even if there’s no one watching.

Here are easy time management techniques you can implement to boost productivity while working from home.

1. Act like you’re going to the office

One of the advantages of working from home is that you can get away with wearing your sleepwear. However, if you feel like it doesn’t help your productivity, you can wake up and get into a routine as though you’re going to the office. You don’t have to dress formally as you might for work, but the simple act of changing your clothes will help set your mind into thinking that you have to get things done.

Setting the alarm, getting a cup of coffee, and taking a bath before working is important as such a time like this, especially when you feel detached from your “normal” life. Besides, we’re all about video meetings now; a dab of lipstick or a quick fresh bath will make you look presentable in front of your coworkers virtually.

2. Create a designated workplace

If you are used to going into the office every day, the difference between home and workplace is physical. Recreating that difference will help you feel like you’re working in your traditional office. Designate a specific place in your home for your work. It should at least feel separate from your home as possible. Try to make your workspace comfortable with a chair you can sit in 8 hours straight and add a bit of decoration to your desk if you wish.

3. Don’t surf the internet

During your entire shift—be it at the office or at home— you are required to use the internet. The only difference when working from home is your boss is not around to watch you. You might be tempted to surf the internet and check your Facebook notification. Keep in mind that while you are not in the office, your working hours are still paid and it is your duty to get things done while rendering standard outputs. Turn off your phone’s WiFi connection when working. You can give yourself a break and turn it on again but only when you feel like you really deserve it!

4. The Getting Things Done (GTD) Method

The GTD method is a stress-free productivity method for organizing your to-dos, priorities, and schedule to make them more manageable. The five pillars of the GTD includes:

  • Capturing everything from to-dos to recurring tasks.
  • Clarifying the things you have to do by breaking it down to actionable steps.
  • Organizing the actionable steps by category and priority.
  • Reflecting on your to-do list to see what your action should be.
  • Engaging and getting to work.

By implementing the GTD method, it makes it easy for you to see what you have on your plate and choose what to work on next.

5. Avoid personal tasks

This goes back to no. 3. The lack of supervision is one of the biggest downfalls of working at home. It drives you to do personal tasks because you think it would only take a couple of minutes. You think to yourself that washing a few dishes won’t hurt your work productivity but then you find yourself doing other personal tasks like putting in a load of laundry or mopping the floor. You wouldn’t do those things in the office; always treat working from home the same way. If you notice personal tasks while working, you can jot it down on a sticky note next to your work station so you can work on them after your shift.

6. Determine your most productive time of the day

Ask yourself whether you are a morning or a night person. Working at the time when you feel the most energetic could help double your productivity resulting in better outputs. You can work on the most challenging task during the time you feel the most productive and try answering emails or phone calls at the time you feel tired or least energetic.

7. Use your lunch break

Even if you feel extra productive, you should not skip lunch breaks. Eating your lunch during work can become a detrimental habit. You have to take a real lunch break and turn off your computer unit. While you’re taking a break, your laptop needs time off too! Use the time to meditate or eat lunch with your family. Besides, it’s not every day you get to eat lunch with them.

Working from home is no excuse to slack off. Make sure that you are ready to accomplish your to-do list without forgetting that you have to take a break to rejuvenate your mind. While the world is freaking out, it is important to have a clear sight of your goals and you also take care of your well-being.