
Recharge & Refocus: The Benefits of Taking a Break

If you find yourself too preoccupied to take a break, it could be a sign that you need to slow down and hit the pause button. Regularly taking breaks during your workday has numerous benefits, and here are the top five.

When you’re under pressure to meet a deadline or facing a challenging task, it’s tempting to push yourself to continue working beyond the point of exhaustion. However, if you want to perform at your best, taking a well-deserved break is critical. According to a 2011 study by the University of Illinois, prolonged focus on a single task depletes the human brain’s attentional resources, reducing our ability to concentrate and impeding performance. Lead researcher Professor Alejandro Lleras stated that “when confronted with long tasks, such as studying for a final exam or doing your taxes, it’s best to give yourself short breaks. Short mental breaks will actually help you stay focused on your task.”

How Does Taking a Break Affects Work Performance?

It is essential to understand that taking breaks is not optional but mandatory for our well-being. We must identify the most suitable time and duration for our breaks. This time allows us to relax, engage in self-care practices such as stretching, snacking, or stress-relieving activities.

The notion of focusing on a task for an extended period has been refuted by multiple studies. Continuously working on something can cause a decline in productivity and performance, which is why taking short breaks is crucial. These brain breaks help us recenter and regain focus instead of struggling to concentrate.

Extended breaks, on the other hand, can be counterproductive since workers tend to lose interest and become fatigued. The duration of breaks matters since we need to make sure that they boost our energy levels. Additionally, it’s essential to schedule breaks at the right time.

What Are the Benefits of Taking a Break?

Here are the main reasons why you should consider incorporating breaks into your schedule:

Breaks reduce and prevent stress

Taking breaks can be beneficial in managing stress and decompressing. Failing to take time to relax and release built-up tension can lead to chronic stress and eventual burnout. By taking regular breaks, you can actively reduce stress and prevent it from accumulating.

Breaks enhance mood

Taking breaks can help break up your routine and provide an opportunity to engage in activities that promote relaxation and improve mood. Consider using your break to participate in enjoyable activities such as socializing or pursuing a hobby that can boost your spirits.

Breaks aid in processing and retaining information

Our brains have two modes: focused and diffused. When in a diffused state, our brain is more relaxed and in a daydream-like state. Studies show that we often solve our most challenging problems when in this mode. Instead of forcing yourself to find an answer to a difficult problem, try letting your mind wander and find a solution on its own.

Breaks improve physical health

Taking breaks can be an excellent opportunity to stay active, particularly if you spend most of your day sitting in front of a screen. Even small movements every hour can yield significant long-term advantages and reduce the risk of more severe problems like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

Breaks restore your motivation

Continuously working for extended periods without taking breaks can significantly deplete your energy and motivation. This is especially true for long-term projects, where it is crucial to take breaks to maintain high levels of motivation over extended periods.

You gain a better perspective

It’s effortless to lose sight of the larger, more strategic picture when you’re engrossed in the details of a complicated task. To ensure you’re devoting your attention to the correct tasks and projects, take a break, step back, and re-evaluate your objectives and priorities. This broader perspective is especially crucial for managers, who must maintain their focus on strategic goals rather than being sidetracked by tasks driven by processes that could be assigned to other members of their team.

You become more creative

Taking breaks allows your brain to rest and recharge, leading to increased creativity. Not taking a break from intense cognitive work can reduce your ability to be creative by exhausting your cognitive capacity.

Breaks prevent fatigue and improve concentration

It’s impossible for anyone to maintain their concentration for extended periods, as our minds inherently require breaks after about 25 minutes. Failing to take these breaks can deplete your energy without giving it a chance to replenish, leading to decreased focus, fatigue, and exhaustion. Taking frequent breaks helps maintain a constant level of energy and allows for the restoration of your ability to concentrate.

Breaks improve mental health and overall well-being

Taking breaks can relieve mental fatigue and replenish your cognitive resources, ultimately benefiting your overall well-being.

Breaks can lead to healthier habits

When busy and stressed, healthy habits such as eating well, exercising, and sleeping can take a backseat. Proper breaks can help you incorporate these habits into your workday. Taking a 20-minute nap can also help you commit new information to long-term memory.

Regular breaks improve productivity

Instituting a schedule of regular breaks can give you mini-deadlines, which can motivate you to complete tasks more quickly. All the benefits of regular breaks combine to enable you to work more productively and effectively.

Essayist Tim Kreider once said, “Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets… It is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.” Regular breaks are crucial for optimal brain function and overall well-being.

Determining When to Take a Break

While there are no rigid guidelines for taking breaks, it is highly beneficial to do so in the morning, afternoon, or evening, and preferably during all of these times. Taking breaks throughout the day is essential because it is difficult to concentrate intently for eight hours straight. We must stretch, eat, and give our eyes a break from screens.

The statistics on taking breaks during work hours are concerning. Tork conducted a survey exploring how individuals feel about taking breaks from work and how often they do so. The findings are as follows:

  • 22% of workers feel scrutinized when they take a break from work in the middle of the day.
  • 39% of workers occasionally, rarely, or never take breaks.
  • 94% of employees who take breaks feel that their breaks refresh their perspective on work.
  • Over 9 in 10 employees are more likely to remain at their job if their managers encourage them to take breaks.

While taking breaks is generally beneficial, there are circumstances where breaks should be avoided. One such situation is when we are in a “flow state” – a mental state where we are fully immersed in a task and experiencing a sense of enjoyment and focus. During this period, our productivity is at its maximum, and interrupting it with a break may hinder our progress.

That being said, here are a few indicators that it is time to take a break:

  • You are experiencing Zoom fatigue.
  • You are spending too much time on a single task.
  • You are hungry and require a nutritious snack break.
  • You are frustrated and need to clear your mind.
  • You are having difficulty concentrating on anything.

How to Maximize Your Breaks for Maximum Productivity

Taking a break doesn’t mean you have to completely abandon your work in the meantime. On the contrary, properly utilized breaks can actually help you be more productive over the course of the day.

Here are a few tips to maximize your breaks and keep your productivity levels high:

  • Take shorter breaks more frequently – The average person can only focus deeply on work for between 90 and 120 minutes. After that, it’s important to take a break to refresh yourself.
  • Prioritize fresh air and natural light – If you’re able to do so safely, leave your workspace during every break and get some fresh air outside. Natural light has been shown to help improve moods, as well as maintain regular sleep cycles.
  • Do something revitalizing – Every break is an opportunity to restore and revitalize yourself, both mentally and physically. Consider things like stretching or taking a short walk around the block or around your office building.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to make sure that you get the most out of each break, allowing you to come back energized and motivated for whatever awaits you after your respite!

Take a Mental Break or Physical Break?

What kind of break should you take? It all depends on what you need—mental or physical.

Taking a mental break means doing something like meditating, listening to music, or chatting with friends or colleagues. This type of break can help to reduce stress, recharge your energy levels and refocus on the work ahead.

On the other hand, taking a physical break gives you a chance to move your body, like going for a walk outside in nature. Moving your body can help to rejuvenate your mind, allowing it to be more creative and productive when you get back to work. Additionally, taking advantage of natural light exposure can improve your mood and regulate sleep patterns.

Ultimately both mental and physical breaks are important for taking care of your mind and body during workdays. So don’t forget to give yourself permission to step away from work every now and then—your body will thank you!

Each Need Deserves a Unique Break

Breaks serve various purposes, from nourishing our bodies to reducing stress levels and providing a change of environment from work. It’s crucial to recognize the importance of taking a break, regardless of the reason. These breaks offer several benefits that we should be thankful for.

However, with so many different kinds of breaks available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. The kind of break you take can significantly impact its effectiveness.

To make things easier, we’ve compiled some suggestions and recommend integrating the Pomodoro technique to manage your time while taking breaks. Here are a few unique break ideas to consider:

Nature Break

Taking a moment to step outside and breathe in fresh air can be a refreshing break from our workspaces. By looking at new things, we can recharge our focus for when we return to work. Walking is a great way to get our blood pumping, but simply sitting outside can also help change things up.

Social Media Break

Mindful consumption of social media can improve your mental health and help you be more present. Setting limits on how much time you spend on certain apps can enforce your breaks.

Power Nap Break

While not everyone enjoys napping, some individuals find it quite beneficial. Power naps, for example, can increase our energy levels and improve our ability to focus.

Dance Break

Play your preferred song and move to the beat for a while. Engaging in dancing is a form of physical exercise that can raise your heart rate and offer an opportunity to stretch your body, especially if your occupation requires you to remain seated for prolonged periods.

Creative Breaks

If your job doesn’t provide opportunities to express your creativity, taking breaks can be a helpful solution. Engaging in activities such as drawing, painting, journaling, or any other form of creative expression during breaks can allow you to tap into your creativity and recharge your mind.

Daydreaming Breaks

While daydreaming during work can be counterproductive, taking a break to daydream can be highly beneficial. Allowing your mind to wander and dream during a break can stimulate creativity and potentially even spark new ideas.

Mindfulness Meditation Breaks

Taking a break at work to engage in mindfulness activities, such as deep breathing or tuning into your emotions, can help you relax and find relief from stress. These practices have the power to slow down the pace of a hectic day and allow you to find greater calm and focus.

Food Breaks

To maintain concentration and focus, it’s crucial for everyone to have food. Therefore, it’s advisable to take lunch breaks, and additionally, incorporating healthy snack breaks between bigger meals can also make a significant difference.

Ways to Promote Employee Breaks

Staples and Trougakos suggest a variety of methods for employers to encourage breaks among their staff:

  1. Offer healthy snacks and beverages. Most workers prefer nutritious options like nuts and granola bars over unhealthy choices such as chips or candy. Providing healthy options can boost productivity as well, resulting in a win-win situation.
  1. Prioritize comfort. The furniture in the break room plays a significant role in creating a relaxed and inviting environment. Employers should provide seating that allows workers to unwind with refreshments and interact with colleagues.
  1. Disconnect during breaks. To restore energy levels and increase productivity, employees must mentally detach from work. Dwelling on work-related issues does not reduce stress, nor does it enable workers to fully recharge and take advantage of their break.
  1. Foster a culture that encourages breaks. Cultivating an atmosphere that values the importance of taking breaks will alleviate employee guilt and make breaks more beneficial. Ultimately, this will enhance worker well-being and output.
  1. Promote positive vibes. Employees should engage in activities that elicit positive emotions during their breaks since these feelings can boost creativity, energy, and productivity.

Setting Expectations on When to Take Breaks

To make the most of workday breaks, it’s crucial to establish clear guidelines on their frequency and timing. While taking periodic breaks can boost an employee’s energy and performance, excessive breaks may hinder productivity.

A flexible hours policy should be established that takes into account employees’ break times. Employers should encourage employees to take occasional five-minute breaks throughout their workday as a way of helping them re-energize and refocus on their goals. Breaks are beneficial because they can increase creativity, promote healthy habits and reduce stress levels, all of which contribute to better employee performance and productivity.


Taking a break during your workday doesn’t mean you’re slacking off—it means you’re taking care of yourself and investing in your wellbeing. Recharging and refocusing are valuable tools for staying productive and energized, and more importantly, taking a break can help you avoid potential burnout.

When you feel bogged down or stagnant, it’s vital to place your mental well-being at the forefront and pause for a moment. Opting for a break is among the most advantageous and beneficial steps you can take for your work. It’s an act of self-care and a contribution to your work’s success, with enduring and favorable results.