
The Value of Engaging with Employees: Employer’s Guide

Engaging with employees is critical for business success. The quality of the workplace and the organization’s future depends on its human capital. This makes employee engagement an important priority for corporate leaders. They must focus on the full employee lifecycle to find strategies that will maximize their human capital investment. As a result, this investment will turn into high-ROI assets for the business. With effective employee engagement programs, employees are more likely to improve their performance. Thus, it can bring unique benefits such as higher profitability, better customer retention, better talent acquisition and retention, lower employee turnover, and a safer work environment. Ultimately, these efforts help drive long-term prosperity for the organization.

Good employers understand the importance of engaging with their employees on a regular basis. In this article, you’ll find resources and tips to help you nurture an effective relationship with your staff and improve employee satisfaction.

What does “Engaging with Employees” mean?

Engaging with employees is not just a strategy. It’s a positive relationship! Employee engagement is the practice of creating an environment where employees feel connected to their work, colleagues, and organization. This can promote job satisfaction, commitment, motivation, productivity, and performance, which benefits both the employer and the employee. An effective employee engagement strategy involves communication that creates an open dialogue between employers and employees to ensure their needs are met and there is mutual trust.

Three Aspects of Employee Engagement

  • Physical Employers should provide employees with challenging tasks that match their skill set.
  • Emotional Employees should be made to feel challenged and inspired by their work. They should have a sense of accomplishment upon completion. 
  • Cognitive Employers can create an environment that encourages employees to get “in the flow” while doing their job in order to foster an emotional connection to it.

When all three elements are in play, employees will have maximum personal investment and fulfillment with their job.

Why is Engaging with Employees important?

Engaging with employees is important in order to create an employee-oriented corporate environment that fosters motivation, dedication, and loyalty. Employees who feel appreciated and their contributions valued become more invested in their work and motivated to do more. They understand their roles better, are focused on the further development of their skills and training, and become a part of the community. Ultimately, having engaged employees leads to improved company performance.

The importance of engaging with employees cannot be underestimated. Engaged employees are more motivated, have higher job satisfaction, and ultimately deliver greater value to your organization than those who are disengaged. By investing in employee engagement, you will lower personnel costs while increasing the productivity and efficiency of your staff.

Research conducted by Harvard in the 1990s found a link between business success, customer loyalty and employee engagement. The findings highlighted that when organizations prioritize employee engagement, it leads to improved productivity and profitability as well as delivering on customer experience and fostering greater brand loyalty. This positive chain of events can facilitate further business growth.

20 Strategies for Engaging with Employees

1 – Get to know your employees

Creating a connection with your employees is an important part of successful job engagement. Taking the time to get to know each individual employee and their families, backgrounds, and goals helps build a better relationship as a manager. Say hello throughout the day and ask them about their hobbies. This straightforward practice shows that you value their presence and care about them as unique individuals. Research has found that employees who feel valued are more engaged and productive on the job.

2 – Listen to Your Employees

Listening to your employees is critical in fostering a meaningful relationship between employer and employee. Make yourself available to receive feedback, suggestions and complaints so that you can better understand how your staff feel. Your employees will appreciate knowing that their opinion matters and that you take action on it. You should also be responsive and alert to any issues they raise, as this will show them you value their presence at the workplace.

3 – Foster Open Communication and Transparency

Open communication and transparency in the workplace are essential to creating a positive environment. Encourage your employees to speak up and share their thoughts with you, whether it’s suggestions or concerns. Doing this will create an atmosphere of trust between the employer and employee and lead to better engagement within the team. Additionally, be transparent about your own expectations from them. Provide clear instructions regarding tasks, timelines and expected results so that everyone is on the same page.

4 – Provide a strong foundation for their job right away

As a manager, engaging employees with their work is key to streamlining performance. While training within the job description can do wonders in boosting confidence and productivity, additional coaching or instruction may be necessary when an employee finds themselves overwhelmed. Checking in regularly and providing strong foundations for the tasks they’ll face helps keep employees engaged and prepared to tackle any situation with more clarity.

5 – Make them involved in how the company is doing

Creating a sense of involvement with employees is essential for a company to thrive. Keeping staff up-to-date on the successes, challenges and current situation of the organization provides them with insight that can be used to help the business. Staff should be briefed on what processes are working as well as which ones are lagging; this will create an atmosphere of innovation, where people have the opportunity to come up with novel solutions for areas in need of improvement and work together to strengthen successful aspects.

6 – Give them the opportunity to grow

As a manager, you should strive to create an atmosphere that allows your employees the opportunity to showcase their abilities. Avoid hovering and monitoring their work too closely as this can lead to feelings of stress or frustration. If an employee comes to you with a suggestion or idea that may not fit what your business needs, make sure to address it in a constructive way. Encouragement and appreciation are very important reminders that they are valued and that the effort they put into their work is appreciated, even if their initial idea isn’t adopted.

7 – Support them and the authority you’ve granted

Creating a working atmosphere that is engaging and supportive of employees is paramount for any successful business. Managers have an important role to play in this by providing support, guidance, and direction when employees are facing tough situations. This could mean mediating between customers or other employees or simply reinforcing the authority and trust given to the employee. Such engagement practices boost morale and ensure that everyone is on the same page as far as expectations are concerned.

8 – Recognize their good work

When it comes to engaging with employees, appreciation goes a long way. As two out of three workers feel they don’t receive enough recognition for their hard work, implementing ways to recognize good performance is essential. Not only will this create a positive environment that fosters loyalty and continuous effort, but it may help to keep your talented staff from looking elsewhere. A culture of appreciation can include things like publicly recognizing employee achievements, giving out perks and certificates, or just simply saying ‘thank you’.

Engaging with employees is an important way to recognize and reward their contribution to a company. Leadership should ensure that any engagement method of recognition aligns with the organization’s values, mission and vision in order to ensure the most effective outcome for employee motivation and drive.

9 – Provide incentives for hard work

Incentives can be a great way to reward your employees and motivate them to work harder. Consider offering monetary rewards, such as bonuses or pay raises, time off like extra vacation days or flexible working hours, recognition and appreciation for hard work, professional development opportunities, or special perks like a reserved parking spot or choice of office location. To make sure that these incentives are well-received and effective, consider involving your employees in the process of selecting them. Additionally, Workmates – a powerful recognition and rewards solution created by HR cloud – is an ideal tool for transforming an entire culture to support higher levels of employee motivation and improved productivity in the workplace.

10 – Encourage teamwork among employees

Building camaraderie and morale among employees is essential to creating an engaged and productive workplace. Providing opportunities to work towards a larger, common goal can be rewarding for both individual employees and the organization as a whole. By working together towards something important, everyone can brainstorm ideas to better meet the needs of your clients, while also feeling more connected to the company mission. In this way, engaging with your employees on both an individual and team level can lead to higher motivation, collaboration, loyalty, and job satisfaction.

11 – Adopt a Bottom-Up Approach

Allow employees to express their opinions through surveys and questionnaires. Such research shows that up to one in six workers are unhappy and searching for a better job. By using surveys, managers can build a more productive workforce that values the organization and feels respected. Listening to employee concerns will encourage them to feel part of the process and encourage trust in leadership.

12 – Create a workplace environment free of fear

Engaging with employees is necessary in a performance-based atmosphere, as fear and uncertainty can often become prominent. Allowing employees to make decisions without resorting to the chain of command could bring meaningful moments to the employee career experience. However, punishing staff for mistakes or a wrong choice can lead to disengagement and unwillingness to take risks within the business. Therefore, it is important to find positive approaches which are still effective when working with your staff, which encourages engagement simultaneously.

13 – Offer them coaching and motivation

As a manager, providing clear direction on the scope of work and remaining engaged with your employees is vital for a positive workplace environment. Don’t be afraid to step in and help guide an employee if they appear to be struggling with their task. Offering words of encouragement, coaching, and guidance on policy provide immense value when done correctly. Your willingness to do so shows that you are invested in both the success of the employee and the organization as a whole. And many successful figures throughout history have had excellent coaches by their side.

14 – Encourage Community Engagement

Companies should strive to create a sense of community between employees and management where everyone is treated as an equal. To do this, engaging activities are key, whether it’s something big like an annual event or small such as grabbing lunch together. Technology startups have adopted more casual, no-walls organizational policies which has shown to lead to high employee engagement. Though this is not always easy to achieve, it can be done with open communication and understanding from all parties involved.

15 – Show them that you also trust them as a leader

As a manager, it is important to foster a culture of trust and confidence in your employees. One way to do this is by allowing them to lead projects and work independently without managerial interference. This will not only make employees feel more connected to and invested in the company, but will also allow them to gain experience working and making decisions on their own. Even if the results are not what had been initially hoped for, be sure to show your recognition for their hard work and provide constructive criticism where needed so that they can learn from the experience.

16 – Encourage their personal development

By getting to know your staff on a personal level, you can learn about their hobbies, interests and goals they aspire to. You may also be able to identify areas where they can apply their skills better in the company. For instance, if one of the secretaries loves graphic design, or a warehouse worker wishes to take on more responsibilities through extra qualifications, you should try and accommodate them. Not only will this add to their engagement but could mean higher staff retention rates as well.

Human capital management includes the nurturing phase, which is essential to both your company and its employees. By offering proprietary training programs or tuition assistance, you are investing in the future of your organization and deepening loyalty amongst employees. Every employee wants a company that shows it cares for their growth and development. The best way to bring top-notch talent into your business is by being generous instead of selfish. Support your team’s personal growth, and you will undoubtedly be rewarded with success.

17 – Create a Sense of Purpose

To build an effective team of employees, organizations must recognize that they are working with individuals who are capable of far more than what is expected from them. Creating a feeling of belonging and emotional connection is integral. It will not only motivate them but also ensure greater personal investment in their work. Appreciating their contribution and making sure that employees understand how it impacts the business objectives can go a long way in fostering an environment where employees feel engaged and valued.

18 – Sketch a Success Roadmap

Engaging with your employees, particularly millennials, is an essential part of keeping them satisfied and motivated in their employment. Millennials often require more than a stable workplace to feel secure; they are seeking progression and future career opportunities as well. Making sure they have access to resources that can support their growth over the next decade is essential for engendering loyalty and encouraging hard work.

When it comes to engaging employees, creating a roadmap for success is key. This should include regular meetings for career counselling, so employees know what potential steps they can take to advance in their careers. Doing this will engage millennial employees and help them visualize the growth within their roles.

19 – Lead by Example

Leaders must practice what they preach. Engagement starts at the top, and employees will follow suit if those in charge show evidence of high employee engagement. Show your employees that you genuinely care about them and their well-being by being available to answer questions, addressing issues promptly, and demonstrating positive behaviors such as flexibility, respect for diversity, and collaboration. Employees need to know that their hard work is appreciated and valued.

20 – Utilize HR software

Engaging with employees is an essential part of any HR strategy. Utilizing HR software can help organizations do this in a more effective way. HR software can be used to streamline and automate processes such as payroll, benefits management, and time and attendance tracking, relieving administrative burden for HR staff and freeing up their time for engagement and development efforts. It can also provide employees with self-service tools like portals to view and update personal information or request time off, helping empower them while enhancing their experience of HR services.

Consider employee engagement during the hiring process

Securing the right hires can make all the difference in terms of employee engagement. The choices you make when recruiting must be based on both job qualifications and how well a prospective employee fits into your organization’s culture. New hires should understand and support the values of your business, ensuring they are committed to fostering positive relationships with other staff members and helping to create a productive and engaged workforce.

  • For employees to effectively engage with your business, the salary expectations need to be in line with what the company can offer.
  • The new hire must also value the organization’s goals and demonstrate competent skills for their position.
  • Equally important is their ability to align culturally with their co-workers and management. 

Once these aspects are met, your new employees will be ready to commit to engagement with your business.


Connecting with your employees and having strong workplace engagement is vital to business success. Establishing a meaningful relationship between the employer and employee helps motivate, energize, and retain employees. It will also boost their productivity, contribution to the company, and overall job satisfaction. These connections should also be centered around fostering respect for each other’s time. They should focus on setting goals together and working towards them collaboratively. As a result, it creates an environment where everyone feels valued for their opinion and contribution. It also provides opportunities for growth within the organization. It ensures transparency throughout all levels of management. All these elements combine to form a strong employee-employer connection that will determine success in any organization.

Gauging the level of employee engagement in your organization is an important step in ensuring that it runs successfully and rises above the competition. To gain a better understanding of how engaged your employees really are, conduct surveys that accurately reflect employee sentiment. By actively engaging with your employees, you can show them that their dedication to the company is valued and appreciated. Ultimately, when everyone in the company feels heard, respected, and supported, they become more passionate and engaged with their work. This contributes to a healthy work environment where creativity flourishes.

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