
10 Modern HR Responsibilities: Guide for Employers

hr responsibilities

What are the HR responsibilities in your company? In this article, we listed down the 10 main roles of human resources. We will also go through each role and explain how doing them right can significantly affect both the people and the organization positively. 

What are the key HR responsibilities?

The HR department might be the most confusing department for the whole company. Sure, everyone knows its importance, but only a few employees know why.

Some would say that the role of HR is to primarily deal with the most uncomfortable aspects of work like layoffs, firing, and HR violations. But honestly, human resources does more than that. They are placed in their positions to support employees. Literally, they are a resource for humans.

The following 10 passages will get into detail about what HRM professionals do in today’s modern era, and how it plays a vital role in the organization’s success.

1. HRM professionals find and recruit employees that contribute to the company’s objectives.

Nowadays, the role of human resource executives is not limited to posting ads and interview candidates to fill open positions. In this modern world of competitive organizations, it is one of the responsibilities of HR to formulate employer brands to attract the right job candidates.

In this HR responsibility, the leaders work together to promote their organizations as highly commendatory workplaces. To do this, the HR executives make sure that they create a positive culture and provide satisfactory compensations to attract the perfect-fit candidates for a job role.

2. One of the HR responsibilities is to assure adequate benefits and compensation to the employees.

Fair benefits and compensation are keys to a good human resource management role. No one works for free. Therefore, employees deserve to be compensated satisfactorily so that they will be motivated to do their best and stay with the company.

The HR employees are also responsible for computing payroll, including taxes and hours collected. To make sure that the process is error-free, the company invests in outstanding payroll software that streamlines important procedures that the entire company creates.

3. The role of HR is to provide employees with career assistance.

Today, it’s not enough to simply evaluate employees’ performance on a checklist. Rather, HRM professionals must take a proactive role in helping employees advance their careers. They must make sure that the employees are improving at the hands of the company by identifying areas for improvement and developing specific action steps.

4. They maintain employee records.

As mandated by law, maintaining records is another role of HR employees. These employee records help employers recognize each employee’s skill gaps which they need to address sometime in the future. Additionally, these records contain personal details and emergency contacts for all the employees.

5. It’s HR’s responsibility to serve as leaders of change.

The challenging nature of the modern industry calls for people who will lead the changes for every organization — and that’s exactly what HRM professionals do. These professionals must yield strong management skills, including helping stakeholders connect change initiatives and strategic needs. In return, this will help them reduce change resistance and employee rest. 

As leaders of change, another human resources responsibility is to shape organizational culture so that they can adapt to the modern changes of today’s workplace.

6. The HR staff must provide help to domestic violence victims.

In a forecast by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), they found that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men can experience domestic violence in the United States. This issue has grown so prevalent that it’s not the best idea to leave all the matter to the local authorities. Instead, the firm must step in to extend any help they can give.  

The HR staff can help in this situation by promoting an organizational culture where everyone is free to approach HR employees with domestic violence concerns.

7. One of the HR responsiblities is to advocate for employees.

In this regard, HRM professionals play an important part in the success of organizations. They contribute to building a healthy workplace where employees feel happy and satisfied.

Since all companies want this outcome, HR leaders implement practices such as goal setting, open communication, and employee engagement. This leads to increased workforce productivity and better consumer experiences.

8. They make sure to update policies whenever needed.

As the organization changes, it is ideal to updated policies at least once a year. It’s HR’s job to make legal updates to policies and suggest changes.  Additionally, the HR employees need to be prepared and consulted with especially when the update is a reaction to an occurrence.

9.  HR employees also participate in planning and development.

Human resource executives also serve as strategic partners. They are included in the identification, development, and execution of objectives. In this regard, the HR executives need to align the objective of the company to their job. This allows HR leaders to gain a wide understanding of the activities that aid in the growth of the organization.

10. It’s an HR responsibility to ensure that there’s no cyberbullying at work.

We know that workplace bullying often happens in the office. But today, the internet extends bullying to the victim’s safe space, an activity called cyberbullying. Everyone knows that there’s a high chance that it happens in every workplace, yet dealing with this issue can still be challenging.  Despite this, HR employees know how to take action to eliminate this terrible activity in the workplace.

The human resource department plays a vital role in a company’s culture. If HR is toxic, it can result in discouraged employees and a high employee turnover rate. However, if HR shows genuine care to its employees, rest assured that the company culture will be one of growth and comfort.